Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Romney Wins, Giuliani Strategy Looking More Realistic

Mitt Romney wins the Michigan primary and Giuliani's strategy to wait until the later states is looking like it may pay off for him. So far none of the candidate on the Republican side looks like a clear front runner. I for one think this may prove fortuitous for the one candidate that I (and the late Gerald Ford) think could win this election.

I will be looking forward to see what the "Liberal Media" will say about this. I think we will see a new round of endorsements for Senator John McCain (the dinosaur of the Republican Party) that I think has no chance to win. I could support Giuliani or Romney (Huckabee is a little too fiscally moderate for me) but McCain is definitely on the outs with me as a candidate.

I guess we will see what happens in South Carolina. Huckabee will probably win, but thanks to the last two contests he won't have a mandate.

Watch this space for more updates as Super Tuesday approaches.


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