Wednesday, July 16, 2008

You've got to keep it on the down low!

I have been reading PP's rants about the South Dakota Conservative Action Council, today particularly focusing on the propaganda arm of the organization. Upon reading a few points in the article, some of the gears in my head started to turn. You see, I started getting propaganda emails from the SDCAC shortly after their doors opened; and I have never assigned any importance to them. I tend to see them in my email box, open them, curse about their spaminess, and then delete them.

But here is the thing, I never get junk spam emails in this particular account. I have kept this account off of the radar screen of all but the most trusted senders. I don't get emails at this account offering to boost the size of my whatsits or to provide my wife with more pleasure in her hoo-hah. I have never had an offer to consolidate my debt, see my credit score or have an exciting vacation to a tropical destination. I have never even recieved an email from my own mother at this account. In fact the only real email I have ever recieved at this account is from the South Dakota Republican Party and it's candidates and auxilleries.

So my conclusion is that #1. The SDCAC alledgedly bought or recieved my email address from the state party or someone affiliated with it. Or #2. I am a completely insane, crackpot, conspiracy theorist. And considering the fact that I write a blog, I would say the chances are about 40/60.

SO my question is, "Has anyone else had a similar expierience with an email address from the SDCAC?" Drop me a line and let me know.

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